Arquivo da tag: did

Past Simple (I did)


Hi guys, vamos aprender algumas regras básicas ao usar o Past Simple (passado simples)

No passado simples os verbos regulares terminam em –ed. Por exemplo:

I worked as a waitress in a pub.
The police stopped me on my way back home last night.
She studied very much to go to university.

No entanto, muitos verbos são irregulares, isso significa que não terminam em –ed. Por exemplo:

Write = Wrote:
Allan Poe wrote fantastic tales.

See = Saw:
She saw her friend at the mall yesterday.

Go = Went:
I went to a party last Saturday.

Shut = Shut:
It was cold, so I shut the window.

Em perguntas e negativas nós usamos o verbo auxiliar did ou didn’t (did not), seguido do verbo principal na forma infinitiva, como eat, play, go:

Sam: Did you go out with your friends last night?
Paul: Yes, we went to a very expensive restaurant, but I didn’t like the food.

“When did you get married?” “We got married five years ago”

Did you have time to clean your house?” “No, I didn’t

Atenção quando o verbo principal da frase for Do, cujo significado em português é “fazer”:

A: “What did you do last weekend”
B: “I didn’t do anything, I just stayed at home”

O passado do verbo Be (am/ is/ are) é was/were:

I/ He/ She/ It WAS I/ he/ she/ it?
We/ You/ They WERE we/ you/ they?

Nós nunca usamos o auxiliar DID quando fazemos perguntas e negativas com o WAS e WERE:

I was angry because they were late.
Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
I went to her house, but she wasn’t there.

See you around!

Fonte: English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press 1994.